Our Space Go community is very generous, and therefore we love 💛 generous players. For that reason, the possibility exists for you to give cards🎫 to your friends! Let me show you different ways to do it!
- If you are playing in Facebook💻:
When a game comes to an end, a window like this one will open:
Then, you must click 👆 on 'Give cards' (bottom of the screen).
Now you can choose who you would like to give some cards to: you can select players from the chat💬 or friends of yours👨👧. Then, on the bottom left, you must specify how many cards you want to give. By the way, the number of coins it is going to cost you 💰 will be displayed on the bottom right!
- From experience level 8 onwards👴, you can do this in two different ways:
🅰Option A
You can click 👆 on 'Give cards' (left ⏪of the screen)
Then, you will be able to choose who you would like to give some cards to: you can select players from the chat💬 or friends of yours👨👧
After that, on the right⏩, you will have to specify how many cards you want to give. By the way, the number of coins it is going to cost you 💰 will be displayed on the bottom right!
- 🅱Option B
You can also give cards to your friends by clicking 👆 on their profile. You will be able to give them cards on the right ⏩of the screen
Warning! 🚨Remember that you are allowed to give a maximum of 100 cards per day. Besides, one player can only gather 99 cards in each room. For instance, if you have given 30 cards to some friend who already has 80 cards in that room, that friend will only receive 19 cards😕.
That is why we strongly advise you to use your cards quickly!♻ That way, if someone gives you more cards, they will not lose them!